P3 3-4/2022 en



Not the beginning is rewarded, but only perseverance.

(Catherine of Siena (1347 – 1380), Italian mystic, consecrated virgin and Doctor of the Church)

Dear readers!

If I were to wish you a contemplative reading of this issue of P3, I would mean it honestly, however, the current global political and economic situation does not allow for that; the upheavals at present are too great. On the one hand, this applies to everything that concerns us in social and private life (war, inflation, pandemic, noticeable and visible effects of climate change ...), and on the other hand also those ramifications that extend into the printing and paper industry (prices for electricity and gas, collapsing markets, supply chain problems, lack of raw materials...) - the list goes on. It should not go unmentioned that the current crises, due to their particular urgency, drown out some problem areas already acute in advance, but without reducing those to non-existence. A shortage of skilled workers and sluggish digitalization, for example, are having an increasing impact, but have not always been adequately addressed in recent times. On the other hand, we seem to be moving more and more into an area in which those companies that have seriously dealt with the issue of sustainability in recent years – especially in the area of energy management – are finding it easier. One focus of the interviews we conducted for this issue is therefore situation analysis from different perspectives. Jennifer Collier, Michael Apenberg, Dr. Oliver Wolfrum and Dr. Michael Weiß have their say – all of them qualified experts in the industry – from artisans and top managers to external consultants. And if we shed some light on the matter in this way, I can at least promise you enlightening reading!

